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Views until June 2015 for desktop come from and include bot pageviews, while those from July 2015 are from the Wikimedia REST API and exclude identifiable bots and spiders (but may still end up counting many views by bots and spiders as legitimate human views). Views for mobile web, mobile app, desktop spider, and mobile web spider are from the Wikimedia REST API and available starting July 2015. Mobile web and mobile app views from July 2015 onward exclude identifiable bots, and "desktop spider" and "mobile web spider" are basically all the bots/spiders (excluding Wikipedia's own, which get identified as bots).

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Page nameCount in month 202111PercentageTags
Form W-912K39.5Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Form 10992.3K7.8Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Form I-1402.3K7.8Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States migration forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201603
Form W-22.3K7.7Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Timeline of online dating services1.7K5.8Pages created by Issa Rice Timelines
Unlicense1.7K5.7Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201702
Global Burden of Disease Study1.5K5Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201702
Form 10401.4K4.8Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Form 9901.3K4.4Pages created by Gwern Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201602
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security1.2K4.2Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201702
Timeline of global health4181.4Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201604 Pages edited significantly but not created by Amy Zhang Timelines
Form 1099-MISC3411.1Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Person-affecting view2300.8Pages created by Issa Rice
Open Philanthropy Project2150.7Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201603 Philanthropic foundations
Fugitive.vim1580.5Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201702
Health systems strengthening1250.4Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201606
ICWATCH1010.3Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201702
Participatory poverty assessment810.3Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201605 Participation
Voices of the Poor800.3Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201605
Initiative on Global Markets760.3Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201610
Timeline of digital preservation720.2Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2017 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201701 Timelines
Green Card Test700.2Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Form 1096630.2Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice about United States tax forms Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201601
Child survival revolution500.2Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201605
Innovative Vector Control Consortium410.1Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201605
3 by 5 Initiative340.1Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201605
International Decision Support Initiative340.1Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201606
Timeline of deworming320.1Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201604 Timelines
Amanda Glassman00Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201606
Professional consensus of economics00Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201607
Timeline of nonprofit evaluation00Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201604 Timelines
Triplebyte00Pages created by Issa Rice Pages created by Issa Rice in 2016 Pages created by Issa Rice in 201606

Distribution of pageviews; each bar represents a combination of page, language, and drilldown, not showing labels as there are more than 30 items, using bars as there are 50 or fewer items (underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator)
Image of pageviews distribution should have loaded here
Time taken for generating the data: 0.016 seconds, of which 0.009 seconds was for bulk retrieval from the database
Time taken for generating the graphs: 0.628 seconds
Printed data for 32 pages and 1 month
The table has a total of 32 entries
We used 32 entries from within the database
TIP: Select more months to compare the magnitudes and trends in views of the pages more reliably.

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Check this to simultaneously select all months July 2015 onward, excluding the current month (note that the month boxes will not automatically appear selected but they are indeed selected). To select the current month as well, check the box for the current month below as well.
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202311 (November 2023)
202310 (October 2023)
202309 (September 2023)
202308 (August 2023)
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202306 (June 2023)
202305 (May 2023)
202304 (April 2023)
202303 (March 2023)
202302 (February 2023)
202301 (January 2023)
202212 (December 2022)
202211 (November 2022)
202210 (October 2022)
202209 (September 2022)
202208 (August 2022)
202207 (July 2022)
202206 (June 2022)
202205 (May 2022)
202204 (April 2022)
202203 (March 2022)
202202 (February 2022)
202201 (January 2022)
202112 (December 2021)
202111 (November 2021)
202110 (October 2021)
202109 (September 2021)
202108 (August 2021)
202107 (July 2021)
202106 (June 2021)
202105 (May 2021)
202104 (April 2021)
202103 (March 2021)
202102 (February 2021)
202101 (January 2021)
202012 (December 2020)
202011 (November 2020)
202010 (October 2020)
202009 (September 2020)
202008 (August 2020)
202007 (July 2020)
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202004 (April 2020)
202003 (March 2020)
202002 (February 2020)
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201912 (December 2019)
201911 (November 2019)
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201907 (July 2019)
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201904 (April 2019)
201903 (March 2019)
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201901 (January 2019)
201812 (December 2018)
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201809 (September 2018)
201808 (August 2018)
201807 (July 2018)
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201804 (April 2018)
201803 (March 2018)
201802 (February 2018)
201801 (January 2018)
201712 (December 2017)
201711 (November 2017)
201710 (October 2017)
201709 (September 2017)
201708 (August 2017)
201707 (July 2017)
201706 (June 2017)
201705 (May 2017)
201704 (April 2017)
201703 (March 2017)
201702 (February 2017)
201701 (January 2017)
201612 (December 2016)
201611 (November 2016)
201610 (October 2016)
201609 (September 2016)
201608 (August 2016)
201607 (July 2016)
201606 (June 2016)
201605 (May 2016)
201604 (April 2016)
201603 (March 2016)
201602 (February 2016)
201601 (January 2016)
201512 (December 2015)
201511 (November 2015)
201510 (October 2015)
201509 (September 2015)
201508 (August 2015)
201507 (July 2015)
201506 (June 2015)
201505 (May 2015)
201504 (April 2015)
201503 (March 2015)
201502 (February 2015)
201501 (January 2015)
201412 (December 2014)
201411 (November 2014)
201410 (October 2014)
201409 (September 2014)
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201407 (July 2014)
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201405 (May 2014)
201404 (April 2014)
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201402 (February 2014)
201401 (January 2014)
201312 (December 2013)
201311 (November 2013)
201310 (October 2013)
201309 (September 2013)
201308 (August 2013)
201307 (July 2013)
201306 (June 2013)
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201303 (March 2013)
201302 (February 2013)
201301 (January 2013)
201212 (December 2012)
201211 (November 2012)
201210 (October 2012)
201209 (September 2012)
201208 (August 2012)
201207 (July 2012)
201206 (June 2012)
201205 (May 2012)
201204 (April 2012)
201203 (March 2012)
201202 (February 2012)
201201 (January 2012)
201112 (December 2011)
201111 (November 2011)
201110 (October 2011)
201109 (September 2011)
201108 (August 2011)
201107 (July 2011)
201106 (June 2011)
201105 (May 2011)
201104 (April 2011)
201103 (March 2011)
201102 (February 2011)
201101 (January 2011)
201012 (December 2010)
201011 (November 2010)
201010 (October 2010)
201009 (September 2010)
201008 (August 2010)
201007 (July 2010)
201006 (June 2010)
201005 (May 2010)
201004 (April 2010)
201003 (March 2010)
201002 (February 2010)
201001 (January 2010)
200912 (December 2009)
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200801 (January 2008)
200712 (December 2007)
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