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Views until June 2015 for desktop come from and include bot pageviews, while those from July 2015 are from the Wikimedia REST API and exclude identifiable bots and spiders (but may still end up counting many views by bots and spiders as legitimate human views). Views for mobile web, mobile app, desktop spider, and mobile web spider are from the Wikimedia REST API and available starting July 2015. Mobile web and mobile app views from July 2015 onward exclude identifiable bots, and "desktop spider" and "mobile web spider" are basically all the bots/spiders (excluding Wikipedia's own, which get identified as bots).

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For speed and consistency reasons, we do not include the current month in totals for the current year

Page nameCount in year 2023Count in year 2022Count in year 2021Count in year 2020Count in year 2019Count in year 2018Count in year 2017Count in year 2016Count in year 2015Count in year 2014Count in year 2013Count in year 2012Count in year 2011Count in year 2010Count in year 2009Count in year 2008Count in year 2007TotalPercentageTags
Global Terrorism Database6.4K7.9K11K15K20K18K20K16K13K5.6K1.7K7.7K11K7.1K2K6360163K21.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Yurii Nesterov7.6K6.3K7K9K8.6K9.3K8K7.1K6.5K3.2K3483332733831584074K9.7Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism2.4K2.8K3.7K5K9.6K9.9K7.3K6.1K6.2K4.1K2K4.9K3.9K1.6K1400070K9.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project8.7K7.9K9.2K12K5.8K3.7K1.6K1.3K1.6K501000000052K6.8Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone4795267502.3K5.9K6.1K5.9K5.6K4.4K1.8K000000034K4.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Kalev Leetaru1.3K1.3K1.8K3.2K3.8K3.4K3.1K2.3K3K2.5K2725288110026K3.4Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Alexia Tsotsis1512873195501.2K2.7K2.8K4.1K6K3.6K4391K3861330024K3.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Integrated Conflict Early Warning System3336832.1K2.3K3.5K3.8K2.3K2.6K2.8K1.6K72140000022K2.9Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Joshua Keating6766968781.6K5K4.5K2.3K1.2K2.1K1.3K7446191351020K2.7Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Global Energy Forecasting Competition1.8K1.6K2K2.2K2.4K2.5K2.3K1.8K1.8K1.3K000000020K2.6Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Emerging issues analysis1.1K1.5K1.4K1.7K2.3K2.5K2K1.6K2.4K1.4K23031227221929429019K2.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Heiner Rindermann1.5K1.4K1.9K2.2K2.7K2.1K1.4K1.8K1.7K1.5K19375959101018K2.4Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Journal of Futures Studies7881K1K1.3K1.3K1.3K1.2K1.7K1.7K1.7K1.2K1.6K77713214219017K2.2Futures studies Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Linda Polman6517091.1K1.6K2K2.3K1.9K2K2.4K1.3K681347116631016K2.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule5978929561.3K1.7K1.8K2.4K2.3K2.9K1.2K01640000016K2.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Conflict and Mediation Event Observations1.4K1.6K1.7K2K2K1.8K1.7K1.3K1.7K1K000000016K2.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Manifesto Project Database1.4K1.5K1.6K2.2K1.8K1.8K1.7K1.4K1.8K937000000016K2.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Suicide Attack Database3945055638224.3K3.5K1.9K1.1K1.1K524000000015K1.9Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
United Nations Global Pulse7247261K1.4K1.7K1.6K1.6K1.5K1.7K1.1K310000013K1.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism6343847894K3.4K1.8K761969524000000012K1.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Devesh Kapur7028909891.1K1.1K1.3K1.3K1.2K1.2K686181913233011K1.4Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Human Mortality Database6761.1K1.2K1.3K8831.2K9648751K82500010009.9K1.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Alexia Bonatsos1K1.2K1.9K2.2K2.2K689000000000009.3K1.2Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Foresight (futures studies journal)5846708009991K1.1K9529031.2K73300000009K1.2Futures studies Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Development Media International5524844036608041.1K8649841.4K75700000008K1Charities Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
David McKenzie (economist)5447679381.1K89870358471078637800000007.4K1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Philip Schrodt3254084945956466947728061.1K711920161110106.6K0.9Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Michael D. Ward433436621534676855503491848584906251110828326.5K0.8Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Jay Ulfelder3795494865864364295058531K89897103006.2K0.8Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Integrated Global System Model34437738646769466447546778966000000005.3K0.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
International Crisis Behavior Project379332276417286396478509677628151716193004.4K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Journal of Business Forecasting15020827036243466653537173453842130004.3K0.6Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Scott Althaus2111981942934213454174245592761314602303.4K0.4Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Center for the Prevention of Genocide94824817924025320726569985740200003K0.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Integrated Crisis Early Warning System1.5K1.2K0000000000000002.7K0.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison15811514219023129823120461749200001002.7K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Buildings Performance Database27112410242653533858455500000002.6K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Worldwide Atrocities Dataset706912314325318618319544127900000001.9K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406

Distribution of pageviews; each bar represents a combination of page, language, and drilldown, not showing labels as there are more than 30 items, using bars as there are 50 or fewer items (underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator)
Image of pageviews distribution should have loaded here

Time series of data; includes overall total and a separate curve for each combination of page and language , restricted to the top 30 by total across months below:(underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator)
Graph of pageviews should have loaded here
Time taken for generating the data: 0.073 seconds, of which 0.006 seconds was for bulk retrieval from the database
Time taken for generating the graphs: 1.976 seconds
Printed data for 38 pages and 17 years
The table has a total of 646 entries

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2007 -- we have data for only the month of December for this year
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