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Page nameCount in year 2023Count in year 2022Count in year 2021Count in year 2020Count in year 2019Count in year 2018Count in year 2017Count in year 2016Count in year 2015Count in year 2014Count in year 2013Count in year 2012Count in year 2011Count in year 2010Count in year 2009Count in year 2008Count in year 2007TotalPercentageTags
Databricks210K171K150K99K83K47K28K23K17K2.1K32000000830K7.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
Park Yeon-mi8671.2K278K101K40K58K124K132K84K7.4K0000000826K7.4Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201411
Jane Street Capital115K134K65K52K46K47K36K37K31K13K29296116639581578K5.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about finance companies Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Internet.org9.7K13K18K22K28K10K16K93K269K49K147345300528K4.8Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Code.org59K65K52K39K37K39K40K44K43K29K109000000445K4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Taboola30K36K49K46K41K40K45K51K47K5.5K65951431422.1K571394K3.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about technology companies Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
Cal Newport43K47K55K43K40K29K33K22K11K11K911712610650333K3Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
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Giving Tuesday6.4K17K19K38K46K38K38K32K28K34K1363400000297K2.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Dennard scaling33K37K35K42K37K31K27K22K21K12K5710010297K2.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Zero to One27K43K38K38K31K33K25K27K24K9.6K6461673296K2.7Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
Two Sigma Investments5.4K8.2K10K17K18K20K71K63K43K14K11898131541485272K2.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about finance companies Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Timeline of Snapchat11K11K16K52K24K35K45K41K20K3.9K0000000258K2.3High-technology business districts Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409 Pages edited significantly but not created by Issa Rice Technology company timelines Timelines
Timeline of web search engines26K21K26K29K25K29K29K30K17K6.8K0000000241K2.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402 Timelines
Facebook Zero14K19K20K21K21K23K25K21K39K32K713425000235K2.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Timeline of Google Search21K21K28K33K27K18K19K21K25K21K0000000234K2.1High-technology business districts Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402 Technology company timelines Timelines
Secret (app)4K5.6K7.6K9.4K9.3K16K19K25K49K70K0000000215K1.9Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Seeing Like a State27K28K29K25K19K16K15K14K12K8.3K7345351641194K1.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Global Terrorism Database6.4K7.9K11K15K20K18K20K16K13K5.6K1.7K7.7K11K7.1K2K6360163K1.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Timeline of Twitter7.6K21K24K23K15K16K14K11K12K9.4K71272000153K1.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401 Pages edited significantly but not created by Issa Rice Technology company timelines Timelines
FRASER4594265971K1.3K1K1.4K1.2K7.6K15K18K26K20K17K19K22K1.1K153K1.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Timeline of PayPal18K41K16K15K14K16K11K7.9K7.1K1.9K0000000149K1.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408 Technology company timelines Timelines
Timeline of Airbnb11K11K18K23K24K21K10K13K8.9K2.4K0000000142K1.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408 Pages edited significantly but not created by Issa Rice Technology company timelines Timelines
Facebook Paper3K3.3K5.2K7.1K12K9.5K9.8K15K25K40K1000000130K1.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
DICE model14K14K16K15K15K15K6.4K5.4K5.8K4.5K0012210110K1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Brilliant.org1.9K2.6K3.5K14K29K32K13K5.4K5.5K1.2K14000000108K1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab9.6K5.9K4.4K7.3K17K11K13K15K15K10K3000000107K1High-technology business districts Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
The Good Judgment Project6.9K8.5K11K18K9.4K9.8K11K17K10K5.7K0000000107K1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405 Political forecasting
PDT Partners10K8.8K8.8K10K12K11K13K16K13K4K2100000107K1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about finance companies Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Causal layered analysis5.5K5.3K4.7K4.5K4.6K4.8K4.4K4.6K6.1K6.1K8K7.3K7.1K6.8K7.3K6K27094K0.8Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence5K5.1K4.4K5.9K15K15K12K10K10K8.6K9795600000092K0.8Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Dylan Matthews4.9K6.7K7.3K9.2K9.2K9.5K9.3K16K12K3.9K40192138541088K0.8Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
The Triple Package3.7K4.4K7.9K6.4K5.7K10K8.1K11K12K18K002000087K0.8Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Thiel Foundation7.3K15K10K11K4.8K5.9K7.3K5.4K4.2K3.6K1.5K1.1K472610077K0.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403 Philanthropic foundations
Spark Capital7.1K6.9K7.3K8.1K9.2K7K7.4K7.8K7.8K6.8K31811442726212050177K0.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Spread Networks4.5K5K6.8K11K7.4K5.3K5.6K8.1K10K10K18421176500075K0.7Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Yurii Nesterov7.6K6.3K7K9K8.6K9.3K8K7.1K6.5K3.2K3483332733831584074K0.7Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Sohail Inayatullah2.8K3K3K3.7K2.8K2.9K2.9K3.6K4K4K6.2K6.4K8K8.3K6.4K3K12571K0.6Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Free Basics1.1K1.3K1.2K2.6K5.2K28K25K5K8270000000070K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Jelly (app)2.6K4.2K3.5K6.4K8.6K8.5K8.9K6.8K7.4K13K000000070K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism2.4K2.8K3.7K5K9.6K9.9K7.3K6.1K6.2K4.1K2K4.9K3.9K1.6K1400070K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Laura and John Arnold Foundation1.6K1.6K2.1K3.2K14K14K11K8.6K6.7K3.7K1301000067K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403 Philanthropic foundations
GivingTuesday19K21K23K3422122220870000000063K0.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Makridakis Competitions9.1K8.6K9.7K12K7.6K6K2.9K1.9K2.1K1.5K000000062K0.6Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Google Free Zone2.3K2.2K2.2K2.7K3K4.1K8.4K8.1K16K12K000000060K0.5High-technology business districts Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Losing Ground (book)3.2K3.9K4.9K5.9K5.1K7.2K11K6.2K6.4K5.7K000000059K0.5Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project8.7K7.9K9.2K12K5.8K3.7K1.6K1.3K1.6K501000000052K0.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
AlchemyAPI9791.7K1.9K2.8K4.1K5.1K6.7K8.6K11K3.8K5335771.7K1.1K1.1K0051K0.5Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Institute for Security Studies3K2.6K2.4K3.2K3.7K5.3K3.4K2.7K3.6K2.3K3394584762.7K2.4K3K21542K0.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Coinfloor3003.4K5.5K9.4K13K2.5K2.6K5.6K000000041K0.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Timeline of Pinterest2.2K2.1K3.3K4.5K6.1K3K3.8K5.4K5.7K1.6K000000038K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408 Pages edited significantly but not created by Issa Rice Technology company timelines Timelines
Campbell Collaboration1.8K1.9K2.5K3.3K4.1K4K2.9K2.7K3.1K2.4K6457701.6K2.6K1.9K6684037K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
Shasta Ventures1.4K1.9K2.3K3.3K4.2K3.6K3.6K4.1K3.8K3.8K356360452505500108034K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone4795267502.3K5.9K6.1K5.9K5.6K4.4K1.8K000000034K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Wet bias4.6K2K2.1K2.2K3.4K3.7K3.5K3.3K3K4.8K010010033K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
The Tyranny of Experts2.3K2.4K3.3K3.7K3K3K3.3K3.8K3K4.5K401000032K0.3Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Benjamin Powell1.3K1.7K2.7K2.5K3.8K2.5K2.4K2.8K2.6K2.7K3104245352.8K1.5K9696832K0.3Libertarian intellectuals Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Crop simulation model1.8K2K2.8K3.3K4.7K3.4K3.9K4.5K2K1.6K100100030K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire2.2K1.7K1.9K2.2K2.1K1.9K2.4K2K2.6K11K000000030K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Chris Blattman2.2K5.6K1.7K1.7K2.2K2.8K2.6K2.7K5.8K1.9K103752760029K0.3Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Blue Chip Economic Indicators2.5K2.9K2.1K2.1K2.7K2.9K2.7K3.3K4.1K2.8K03291313028K0.3Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Nanex1.3K1.4K1.4K1.5K1.6K2.4K2.1K4.2K5.3K5.2K27328400026K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Kalev Leetaru1.3K1.3K1.8K3.2K3.8K3.4K3.1K2.3K3K2.5K2725288110026K0.2Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Spyros Makridakis2.3K2.4K3K4.4K3.2K3K1.9K1.5K2.1K1.9K2443261361026K0.2Forecasting Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Consensus Economics1.4K1.6K1.7K3.1K3.7K2.7K2.3K2.6K3.1K2.5K42112460025K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Science fiction prototyping3.6K3.9K2.4K2.4K2.1K2.3K2.2K2.4K2K973000000024K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Alexia Tsotsis1512873195501.2K2.7K2.8K4.1K6K3.6K4391K3861330024K0.2Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System1.8K1.5K1.3K2K2.9K3.1K3.2K3.2K2.7K1.6K8510096023K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Economic Outlook (OECD publication)8469801K1.6K2.2K2.8K2.7K3.4K3.6K3.2K000000022K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Integrated Conflict Early Warning System3336832.1K2.3K3.5K3.8K2.3K2.6K2.8K1.6K72140000022K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Joshua Keating6766968781.6K5K4.5K2.3K1.2K2.1K1.3K7446191351020K0.2Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
National Immigration Law Center1K8511.3K2K2.5K2.9K4.2K2.2K1.6K871321051001013838020K0.2Immigration political advocacy groups in the United States Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Cortica7148501.2K1.5K2K3.2K2.5K2.5K2.8K2.7K4535610711020K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Global Energy Forecasting Competition1.8K1.6K2K2.2K2.4K2.5K2.3K1.8K1.8K1.3K000000020K0.2Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Emerging issues analysis1.1K1.5K1.4K1.7K2.3K2.5K2K1.6K2.4K1.4K23031227221929429019K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Greenbook1.3K1.3K1.8K2.3K4.3K2K1.3K1.3K1.8K1.4K5641211812485719K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Bourgeois Dignity1K1.4K1.5K1.7K1.6K1.7K2.3K2.9K2.6K1.8K10221000019K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
National Vital Statistics System9861K1.6K3.3K2.2K2.4K2.1K1.7K1.9K1.3K021020018K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Heiner Rindermann1.5K1.4K1.9K2.2K2.7K2.1K1.4K1.8K1.7K1.5K19375959101018K0.2Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation1.7K1.7K1.9K2.1K2.1K1.8K1.7K1.7K1.6K1.2K2590000018K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403 Philanthropic foundations
International Association for Impact Assessment1.2K1.3K1.5K1.7K1.5K9749761.1K1.1K5332520311.3K3.2K1.2K018K0.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
ZeroCater1004229771.6K1.8K2.2K3.5K3.2K2.3K647143158000017K0.2High-technology business districts Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Journal of Futures Studies7881K1K1.3K1.3K1.3K1.2K1.7K1.7K1.7K1.2K1.6K77713214219017K0.2Futures studies Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Linda Polman6517091.1K1.6K2K2.3K1.9K2K2.4K1.3K681347116631016K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule5978929561.3K1.7K1.8K2.4K2.3K2.9K1.2K01640000016K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Conflict and Mediation Event Observations1.4K1.6K1.7K2K2K1.8K1.7K1.3K1.7K1K000000016K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Manifesto Project Database1.4K1.5K1.6K2.2K1.8K1.8K1.7K1.4K1.8K937000000016K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
The Last Mile (prison rehabilitation program)9591.2K1.2K1.8K2.5K1.7K1.8K1.7K1.8K1.1K000000016K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
Semantria3074435859111.5K1.6K2.1K3.1K2.8K2K710000015K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Suicide Attack Database3945055638224.3K3.5K1.9K1.1K1.1K524000000015K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
National Survey of Family Growth5658459021.3K1.5K1.6K1.8K1.7K1.9K1.6K297301235001015K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Martin Isaacs1.1K1.1K1.1K1.2K1.4K1.5K1.7K1.7K1.8K1.4K471619534014K0.1Contemporary mathematics professors Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
The Energy Journal5405436498231.8K2.3K2K1.7K1.7K1.8K000000014K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Cycle Computing5808188211.2K1.3K1.3K2.1K1.4K1.7K1.9K1144401013K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
United Nations Global Pulse7247261K1.4K1.7K1.6K1.6K1.5K1.7K1.1K310000013K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Contently000003933.1K3.9K3.6K829594144122955321213K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about technology companies Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
OECD Main Economic Indicators5347207161.1K1.3K1.2K1.3K1.5K1.9K2.4K0001110013K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism6343847894K3.4K1.8K761969524000000012K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Cost-loss model8129039361.1K1.6K1.6K1.8K1.5K1.4K614000000012K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Dilip Ratha5066166529219731.1K1.3K1.3K2.2K2.2K8355102012K0.1Development economists Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Passion Capital000001.2K2.6K2.3K3K2.3K28213000011K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
The Ethics of Immigration4584066427571.2K1.2K1.5K2K2.1K1.1K002001011K0.1Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Netropolitan Club2583923623584657061.2K1.8K4.1K1.6K000000011K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201409
Kathleen Newland5916428039011.1K2.1K1.6K1K1.3K3982611999725627111K0.1Living people Migration scholars and activists Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Devesh Kapur7028909891.1K1.1K1.3K1.3K1.2K1.2K686181913233011K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Journal of Industrial Ecology7397801.1K8561.2K1.2K1.4K8691.3K841701113236010K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
SciCast5887199791.1K8799551.1K1.4K1.4K8911890000010K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Human Mortality Database6761.1K1.2K1.3K8831.2K9648751K82500010009.9K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Facebook for SIM3343173334317076698941.1K2.2K2.5K30000009.4K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
Global Health Observatory9141.2K1.1K1K8808807288761.1K57800000009.3K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Alexia Bonatsos1K1.2K1.9K2.2K2.2K689000000000009.3K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Timeline of machine translation9076678251.2K1.1K1.1K99966677080400000009.1K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Foresight (futures studies journal)5846708009991K1.1K9529031.2K73300000009K0.1Futures studies Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
National Immigrant Justice Center3995237981K1.2K1K1.3K1.2K769553689784208.9K0.1Immigration political advocacy groups in the United States Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Resource and Energy Economics5355465216017598398019931.3K1.6K10142532008.7K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Teresa Hayter5886167066748408909038101.1K76342191713111628K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Development Media International5524844036608041.1K8649841.4K75700000008K0.1Charities Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
International Institute of Forecasters3664164457805266095696481.4K1.5K342119864737807.9K0.1Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Survey of Current Business3172723765247779617148691.5K1.5K2428008307.9K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Vernon K. Krieble Foundation6517057774425765907249678831.2K01000007.5K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
KNOMAD6507816966306487446035729621.2K12600007.5K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
Potential predictability2052491942561892262402186025.1K00000007.5K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
David McKenzie (economist)5447679381.1K89870358471078637800000007.4K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Lyle Ungar5115355548327758096736741K9391518472007.4K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford3563413647359318158316571.1K1.1K00000007.2K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Aggregative Contingent Estimation1882512935044383925641.5K1.7K1.1K00000007K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405 Political forecasting
North American Ensemble Forecast System3714094636029211.2K1K65563461200000006.9K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Federal Reserve Bulletin2621982265008395176737261.3K1.5K912224206.8K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Business Review71801285548498266196331.1K828179352179165706436.7K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Philip Schrodt3254084945956466947728061.1K711920161110106.6K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Michael D. Ward433436621534676855503491848584906251110828326.5K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Jay Ulfelder3795494865864364295058531K89897103006.2K0.1Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Borderless Economics2022454905555255495676961K919114000005.8K0.1Books Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
The Empty Cradle4034204213845005536804768039054152076305.6K0.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201402
Hatebase4714125336929181.2K31826938034510000005.5K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Best on the Street2913544614594555115026709276590105000005.4K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Integrated Global System Model34437738646769466447546778966000000005.3K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Journal of Group Theory27436141046452656454656277264721217192005.2K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Livingston Survey2443493254744474614424998851K00001205.2K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
National Summer Learning Association1712042363464023764576841.2K1K02000005K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
International Society for Industrial Ecology24827525965787778681937543126001000005K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders8297791371872243359531.7K1.2K12201205K0Charities Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics2162382283352893134246541.3K79500000004.8K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
THORPEX14516125439675679354840263461420033004.7K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
International Migration Institute34137837145050532631942584166201200004.6K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Moving Out of Poverty3182192733604524764554778235886382320004.5K0Cause prioritization Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201403
International Crisis Behavior Project379332276417286396478509677628151716193004.4K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters1742131732493153822883891K1.2K00000004.4K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Journal of Business Forecasting15020827036243466653537173453842130004.3K0Forecasting Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Eden Ventures000002985666281K1.4K961693270204.3K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201401
FocusEconomics003000002.4K1.8K20100004.2K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble17924828732837846739742062572700000004.1K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Scott Althaus2111981942934213454174245592761314602303.4K0Living people Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about people Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
ImmigrationWorks USA12720018019426131538847071839901190003.3K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Center for the Prevention of Genocide94824817924025320726569985740200003K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Western Blue Chip Economic Forecast1031949912115125121231155096900000103K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Wall Street Journal Economic Survey13612916221331630929648446641600000002.9K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Monthly Climatic Data for the World7517816624231247533521840243310000002.8K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Iodine Global Network31728234838940342954700000000002.7K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405 Pages edited significantly but not created by Issa Rice
Integrated Crisis Early Warning System1.5K1.2K0000000000000002.7K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison15811514219023129823120461749200001002.7K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Buildings Performance Database27112410242653533858455500000002.6K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research73854256102758528883785000100002.5K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Peregrine (journal)54605875146157257285500497012200002.1K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Princeton Environmental Institute49365965111101141995396865353029141112K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Worldwide Atrocities Dataset706912314325318618319544127900000001.9K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201406
Journal of System Safety532006113416015315317237629600000001.8K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201407
Teza Technologies0000000137968725351411001.1K0Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
Two Sigma Ventures7591496211067901191581000000008310Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201408
North American Ensemble Forecasting System3121114231524158923300000004390Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders67102330182015966401000002900Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Business Outlook Survey121211861210295862000001570Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404
Geopolitcal Monitor0000000000000000000Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201405
Monthly Climactic Data of the World0000000000000000000Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2014 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201404

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