This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that maintains Wikipedia and manages the Wikipedia trademark.

Views until June 2015 for desktop come from and include bot pageviews, while those from July 2015 are from the Wikimedia REST API and exclude identifiable bots and spiders (but may still end up counting many views by bots and spiders as legitimate human views). Views for mobile web, mobile app, desktop spider, and mobile web spider are from the Wikimedia REST API and available starting July 2015. Mobile web and mobile app views from July 2015 onward exclude identifiable bots, and "desktop spider" and "mobile web spider" are basically all the bots/spiders (excluding Wikipedia's own, which get identified as bots).

Permalink URL:

MonthViews of page Zoobombs, drilldown desktopViews of page Zoobombs, drilldown mobile-webViews of page Zoobombs, drilldown mobile-appViews of page Zoobombs, drilldown desktop-spiderViews of page Zoobombs, drilldown mobile-web-spiderTotalPercentage
201506177cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1770.5
201505307cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data3070.8
201504289cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2890.8
201503208cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2080.5
201502170cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1700.4
201501165cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1650.4
201412171cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1710.4
201411199cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1990.5
201410174cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1740.5
201409211cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2110.6
201408177cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1770.5
201407196cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1960.5
201406182cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1820.5
201405176cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1760.5
201404208cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2080.5
201403211cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2110.6
201402159cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1590.4
201401156cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1560.4
201312158cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1580.4
201311148cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1480.4
201310143cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1430.4
201309157cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1570.4
201308169cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1690.4
201307157cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1570.4
201306170cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1700.4
201305178cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1780.5
201304161cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1610.4
201303203cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2030.5
201302185cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1850.5
201301226cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2260.6
201212262cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2620.7
201211234cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2340.6
201210534cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data5341.4
201209473cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data4731.2
201208549cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data5491.4
201207336cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data3360.9
201206241cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2410.6
201205236cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2360.6
201204172cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1720.5
201203187cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1870.5
201202208cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2080.5
201201208cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2080.5
201112187cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1870.5
201111256cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2560.7
201110166cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1660.4
201109172cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1720.5
201108190cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1900.5
201107163cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1630.4
201106198cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1980.5
201105220cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2200.6
201104226cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2260.6
201103681cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data6811.8
201102265cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2650.7
201101209cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2090.5
201012269cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2690.7
201011419cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data4191.1
201010225cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2250.6
201009177cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1770.5
201008204cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2040.5
201007243cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2430.6
201006300cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data3000.8
201005237cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2370.6
201004236cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2360.6
201003249cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2490.7
201002183cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1830.5
201001195cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1950.5
200912219cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2190.6
200911206cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2060.5
200910185cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1850.5
200909190cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1900.5
200908232cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2320.6
200907309cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data3090.8
200906513cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data5131.3
200905237cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2370.6
200904200cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2000.5
200903220cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2200.6
200902222cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2220.6
200901256cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2560.7
200812205cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2050.5
200811196cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1960.5
200810204cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2040.5
200809203cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2030.5
200808214cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2140.6
200807101cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1010.3
200806229cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2290.6
200805254cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2540.7
200804235cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2350.6
200803241cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2410.6
200802227cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2270.6
200801246cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data2460.6
200712153cannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this datacannot retrieve this data1530.4
TagsPeople from Tokyo People from Tokyo People from Tokyo People from Tokyo People from Tokyo ----

Distribution of pageviews; each bar represents a combination of page, language, and drilldown, showing labels as there are 30 or fewer items, using bars as there are 50 or fewer items (underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator)
Image of pageviews distribution should have loaded here

Time series of data; includes overall total and a separate curve for each drilldown below:(underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator) Since June 2015 is between the beginning and end of your time interval, you will see a vertical red line for that month. This is because June 2015 is the last month for which we use data as our source for Wikipedia Views, and also because, starting July 2015, we have data for the drilldowns of mobile web, mobile app, desktop spider, and mobile web spider. See the about page for more information.
Graph of pageviews should have loaded here
Time taken for generating the data: 0.888 seconds, of which 0.012 seconds was for bulk retrieval from the database
Time taken for generating the graphs: 1.733 seconds
Printed data for 1 page, 5 drilldowns, and 196 months
The table has a total of 980 entries
We attempted 5 queries to external sources (, Wikimedia API, Facebook API) out of a limit of 100. Of these, 5 queries were successful.
We used 611 entries from within the database
The number of entries that are irretrievable (i.e., cannot be computed, even if you retry) is 364
TIP: COMPARE ALL PAGES IN A TAG: Consider comparing all pages in one of these tags (you can select tags as one of the alternative ways of generating page lists -- remember to clear out the text area where you have entered pages if doing so): People from Tokyo (contains 1 page from the list)

Continue editing the list of pages. (more help below, and more background at the about page)

Enter the language Wikipedia(s) that you are interested in:
Select the list of drilldowns (filters) for which you are interested in pageviews. You will see the counts separately for each drilldown.
Alternative page specification methods: Use only one method at a time!
Select the tag that you want to work with (the page-tag relationships are defined locally on this site and do not correspond to any relationships on Wikipedia):
Alternatively, enter the name of the Wikipedia category whose pages you want to see statistics for (for instance, Futurology journals):
Enter the continuation string if you do not want to start from the beginning of the category:
Alternatively, enter the name of a Wikipedia user (such as Vipul) to get all main namespace pages created by that user:
Alternatively, enter the name of a Wikipedia page (such as Potential predictability) to get all main namespace pages linked from that page:
Show alternative methods for specifying the list of months

Show technical settings (for advanced users only)

Check boxes next to the months that you want to select.
Check this to simultaneously select all months excluding the current month (note that the month boxes will not automatically appear selected but they are indeed selected). To select the current month as well, check the box for the current month below as well.
Check this to simultaneously select all months July 2015 onward, excluding the current month (note that the month boxes will not automatically appear selected but they are indeed selected). To select the current month as well, check the box for the current month below as well.
202404 (April 2024) -- current month (may display outdated cached value)
202403 (March 2024) -- most recent completed month
202402 (February 2024)
202401 (January 2024)
202312 (December 2023)
202311 (November 2023)
202310 (October 2023)
202309 (September 2023)
202308 (August 2023)
202307 (July 2023)
202306 (June 2023)
202305 (May 2023)
202304 (April 2023)
202303 (March 2023)
202302 (February 2023)
202301 (January 2023)
202212 (December 2022)
202211 (November 2022)
202210 (October 2022)
202209 (September 2022)
202208 (August 2022)
202207 (July 2022)
202206 (June 2022)
202205 (May 2022)
202204 (April 2022)
202203 (March 2022)
202202 (February 2022)
202201 (January 2022)
202112 (December 2021)
202111 (November 2021)
202110 (October 2021)
202109 (September 2021)
202108 (August 2021)
202107 (July 2021)
202106 (June 2021)
202105 (May 2021)
202104 (April 2021)
202103 (March 2021)
202102 (February 2021)
202101 (January 2021)
202012 (December 2020)
202011 (November 2020)
202010 (October 2020)
202009 (September 2020)
202008 (August 2020)
202007 (July 2020)
202006 (June 2020)
202005 (May 2020)
202004 (April 2020)
202003 (March 2020)
202002 (February 2020)
202001 (January 2020)
201912 (December 2019)
201911 (November 2019)
201910 (October 2019)
201909 (September 2019)
201908 (August 2019)
201907 (July 2019)
201906 (June 2019)
201905 (May 2019)
201904 (April 2019)
201903 (March 2019)
201902 (February 2019)
201901 (January 2019)
201812 (December 2018)
201811 (November 2018)
201810 (October 2018)
201809 (September 2018)
201808 (August 2018)
201807 (July 2018)
201806 (June 2018)
201805 (May 2018)
201804 (April 2018)
201803 (March 2018)
201802 (February 2018)
201801 (January 2018)
201712 (December 2017)
201711 (November 2017)
201710 (October 2017)
201709 (September 2017)
201708 (August 2017)
201707 (July 2017)
201706 (June 2017)
201705 (May 2017)
201704 (April 2017)
201703 (March 2017)
201702 (February 2017)
201701 (January 2017)
201612 (December 2016)
201611 (November 2016)
201610 (October 2016)
201609 (September 2016)
201608 (August 2016)
201607 (July 2016)
201606 (June 2016)
201605 (May 2016)
201604 (April 2016)
201603 (March 2016)
201602 (February 2016)
201601 (January 2016)
201512 (December 2015)
201511 (November 2015)
201510 (October 2015)
201509 (September 2015)
201508 (August 2015)
201507 (July 2015)
201506 (June 2015)
201505 (May 2015)
201504 (April 2015)
201503 (March 2015)
201502 (February 2015)
201501 (January 2015)
201412 (December 2014)
201411 (November 2014)
201410 (October 2014)
201409 (September 2014)
201408 (August 2014)
201407 (July 2014)
201406 (June 2014)
201405 (May 2014)
201404 (April 2014)
201403 (March 2014)
201402 (February 2014)
201401 (January 2014)
201312 (December 2013)
201311 (November 2013)
201310 (October 2013)
201309 (September 2013)
201308 (August 2013)
201307 (July 2013)
201306 (June 2013)
201305 (May 2013)
201304 (April 2013)
201303 (March 2013)
201302 (February 2013)
201301 (January 2013)
201212 (December 2012)
201211 (November 2012)
201210 (October 2012)
201209 (September 2012)
201208 (August 2012)
201207 (July 2012)
201206 (June 2012)
201205 (May 2012)
201204 (April 2012)
201203 (March 2012)
201202 (February 2012)
201201 (January 2012)
201112 (December 2011)
201111 (November 2011)
201110 (October 2011)
201109 (September 2011)
201108 (August 2011)
201107 (July 2011)
201106 (June 2011)
201105 (May 2011)
201104 (April 2011)
201103 (March 2011)
201102 (February 2011)
201101 (January 2011)
201012 (December 2010)
201011 (November 2010)
201010 (October 2010)
201009 (September 2010)
201008 (August 2010)
201007 (July 2010)
201006 (June 2010)
201005 (May 2010)
201004 (April 2010)
201003 (March 2010)
201002 (February 2010)
201001 (January 2010)
200912 (December 2009)
200911 (November 2009)
200910 (October 2009)
200909 (September 2009)
200908 (August 2009)
200907 (July 2009)
200906 (June 2009)
200905 (May 2009)
200904 (April 2009)
200903 (March 2009)
200902 (February 2009)
200901 (January 2009)
200812 (December 2008)
200811 (November 2008)
200810 (October 2008)
200809 (September 2008)
200808 (August 2008)
200807 (July 2008)
200806 (June 2008)
200805 (May 2008)
200804 (April 2008)
200803 (March 2008)
200802 (February 2008)
200801 (January 2008)
200712 (December 2007)
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