This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that maintains Wikipedia and manages the Wikipedia trademark.

Views until June 2015 for desktop come from and include bot pageviews, while those from July 2015 are from the Wikimedia REST API and exclude identifiable bots and spiders (but may still end up counting many views by bots and spiders as legitimate human views). Views for mobile web, mobile app, desktop spider, and mobile web spider are from the Wikimedia REST API and available starting July 2015. Mobile web and mobile app views from July 2015 onward exclude identifiable bots, and "desktop spider" and "mobile web spider" are basically all the bots/spiders (excluding Wikipedia's own, which get identified as bots).

Permalink URL:

For speed and consistency reasons, we do not include the current month in totals for the current year

Page nameCount in year 2015PercentageTags
Targeted Employment Area7.3K27.8Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act4.9K18.7Pages about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act3.9K14.8Pages about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
Autoscaling3.8K14.4Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
H-1B Visa Reform Act of 20042.6K10Pages about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
Analytics.usa.gov1.6K6.1Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
Employ American Workers Act9433.6Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
L-1 Visa Reform Act of 20046162.3Pages about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik about migration Pages created by Vipul Naik about United States migration laws Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503
Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers5882.2Pages created by Vipul Naik Pages created by Vipul Naik in 2015 Pages created by Vipul Naik in 201503

Distribution of pageviews; each bar represents a combination of page, language, and drilldown, showing labels as there are 30 or fewer items, using bars as there are 50 or fewer items (underlying CSV using pipe (|) as separator)
Image of pageviews distribution should have loaded here
Time taken for generating the data: 0.005 seconds, of which 0.001 seconds was for bulk retrieval from the database
Printed data for 9 pages and 1 year
The table has a total of 9 entries

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Check this to simultaneously select all years (although the year boxes will not appear checked, checking this box means all years will be selected)
2023 -- current year (for speed and consistency reasons, we exclude the current month from statistics for the current year)
2022 -- most recent completed year
2020 -- most recent completed year
2007 -- we have data for only the month of December for this year
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